55 year old female with fever, headache,neck stiffness

This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.


 I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Hall ticket number:1701006196

Final practical examination long case

Chief complaints :

A 55 year old female who is house maid by occupation came with chief complaints of

                     - Headache since 20 days
                     - Fever since 5 days
                     - Neck stifness since 5 days
History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back then she developed

           Headache which was insidious in onset gradually progressive and relieved on medication.Headache was aggravated 5 days back inspite of taking medications. No aggravating and relieving factors

          Fever: Insidious onset since 5 days, intermittent fever,not relieved on medications.Fever is not associated with chills and rigors
          History of neck stiffness since 5 days
          History of one episode of vomiting 3 days back which is non projectile non billious,non blood stained and content is food particles
Patient had no history of cough,dyspnea,burning micturition, loose stools

Past history:

No history of similar complaints in the past

7 yrs back she had history of CVA where both upper and lower limbs are paralysed and took some medication.
she took allopathy medicine for 6 months and she got recovered.

Denovo detected diabetes

Not a known case of hypertension,asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis,thyroid

Surgical history: hysterectomy done at 25 years back

Family history:
No similar complaints in the family

Personal history

           Bowel and bladder-regular bladder, constipation is present
           No addictions
           No allergies

General examination:

patient is examined in a well lit room,with informed consent 

Patient is conscious, coherent, coperative. Moderately built moderately nourished.

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, generalised lymphadenopathy, generalised edema.


Temperature: afebrile
Pulse rate: 78bpm
Resp rate:16cpm

Systemic examination:

Central nervous system:

Higher mental functions 

          • conscious

          • oriented to person and place ,time.

          • memory - able to recognize their family members

          • Speech - normal

  Cranial nerve examination

           • 1 - sense of smell present

           • 2- Direct and indirect light reflex present

           • 3,4,6 - no ptosis Or nystagmus

           • 5- corneal reflex present on both sides

           • 7- no deviation of mouth, no loss of nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkling present.

         • 8- able to hear

         • 9,10- uvula centrally placed not deviated

        • 11- trapezius and sternocleidomastoid contraction present

        • 12- no tongue deviation

Motor system 

Tone -.                Upper limbs.        Lower limbs

Inspection -            Normal              Normal
Palpation -.             Normal              Normal 

Bulk :                    right                    Left 
Arm                       28cm.                 27cm
Forearm               20cm                  18 cm
Thigh                    33 cm                 32cm
Calf                       25 cm                 23 cm

Power : 

Muscles of neck -
• stenocleidomastoid- good
•Nuchal muscles- stiffness present
Slight tenderness present over the neck on examination.

                                    Right              Left
Biceps-                       5/5                 5/5
Triceps-.                     5/5                 5/5
Brachioradialis-.        5/5                 5/5
Tibialis posterior-.     5/5                 5/5

Reflexes:                 right.                   left 
Biceps-                       +                        +
Triceps-                      +                        +
Supinator-                  +.                       +
Knee-                          +                        +
Ankle-.                        +.                       +

Meningeal signs - 

 Neck stiffness- present .
Kernig's sign - positive
Brudzinki sign - positive

Sensory examination-Normal

S1 S2 Heart sounds – normal
No thrills/murmurs


Bilateral air entry present
  Normal vesicular breath sounds heard,
No abnormal/added sound


 Abdomen is soft, non tender,No organomegaly, No ascites.


Hb - 13 g/dl
TLC - 3500


PLT- 2.1 lakh per mm3


Fasting blood sugar- 168 mg/ dl

Hb1 AC -6.9

Urea- 38

Serum creatinine- 1.0

Uric acid - 4.9

Sodium- 141meq

Pottasium- 4.0

chloride- 10.5

Dengue NS1 antigen:

Arterial blood gas analysis:

PH : 7.4
PCo2 : 29.1
PO2 : 88.4
HCO3 : 18

Fasting blood sugar: 168 mg/dl  

Complete urine examination:

Albumin : positive 
Sugar : nil 
Pus cells : 6-8
Epithelial cells : 3-4
RBC and casts : nil 

Renal function test :

AST : 69 IU/L
ALT : 68 IU/L
ALP : 135 IU/L
Total protein : 6.4 gm/dl
Albumin : 4.0 gm/dl
Urea : 38 mg/dl
Creatinine : 1.0 mg/dl
Uric acid : 4.9 mg /dl

Serology : Non reactive 

Hemogram : 
Hb- 13.1
Tlc-16,400 /mm3 

Neutrophils- 82
Leukocytes -9
Eosinophil -1
Monocyte -8
Platelet count -1.81lakh/mm3 

Arterial blood gas analysis : 
PH - 7.44
PCO2 - 28 
PO2 - 49.3
O2 sat - 85.1




Sugar : 81
Protein : 12.6

X ray neck:
x ray chest:

Dengue fever with meningoencephalitis 

Intravenous fluids NS and RL 
Injection ceftriaxone 2 gm / ml BD 
Injection dexamethasone 6 mg intravenous TID
Injection vancomycin 1 gm intravenous sos
Injection paracetamol 1 gm intravenous SOS
Tab paracetamol 650 mg TID
Tab ecosporin 7 mg per oral OD 
Tab cremaffin 30 peroral 
Tab metformin 500 mg per oral 

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